Blue Light Therapy

In the treatment of the body, blue light activates proteins that contain light-sensitivemolecules (porphyrins and flavones), increasing mitochondrial activity. This, in turn, increases OXIDATIVE STRESS. Skin cells respond by releasing molecules that promote inflammation and control skin growth. Lesions caused by acne and some proliferative skin diseases improve when exposing only specific parts of the skin to blue light under controlled conditions. Blue light phototherapy treatments are FDA-approved for moderate acne vulgaris that has not responded to other therapies. Blue light can also treat other types of skin disorders. Used to improve skin texture and reduce sebaceous hyperplasia, or enlarged oil glands.

Blue light therapy can also be used as a treatment for depression. It’s especially effective when treating major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns, formerly known as SAD, a condition often partially caused by winter weather, darker days, and more time indoors.

IMPORTANT: You should not have blue light therapy if you suffer from porphyria, a blood disorder leading to heightened light sensitivity. If you have allergies to porphyrins or if you have lupus, you should not use this therapy.

For guidance, consult your healthcare provider.

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